Anti-acne Therapy with apparatus Acleara®-Acne Clearing System

Acleara® is a revolutionary anti-acne therapy that combines the effect of modern vacuum technology with filtered broad-spectrum light.

The Appliance ® is the first cooling system approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of various types of acne-from mild to moderate inflammatory, comedic and pustular, in all Skin types.

The Acleara® Acne Clearing System, produced by the American company Theravant®, combines the effect of modern vacuum technology with filtered broad-spectrum light.

The lightest vacuum cleanses the pores, taking out the accumulated secretion of the sebaceous glands, called sebum. With its directed heating of the sebaceous glands, the light source activates the activity of the skin through impulses filtered beam to destroy the bacteria causing acne in a natural way and reduce the production of sebum.

The improvement is visible – the skin is calm and clean, the redness is reduced, the pimples go away and disappear.

The procedure is performed on a well cleansed face. Protective goggles are provided to the patient. The nozzle is placed on the skin, simultaneously incorporating the vacuum system and the filtered light (700-1100 ηm). An individual nozzle is used for each individual patient in order to elidethe risk of contamination and infection.

The therapies have a high degree of hygiene and comfort – no anaesthetic or freezing gels are applied. After the procedure, moisturizing and photoprotective cream is applied.

The procedure is fast-it takes about 30 minutes for the whole face therapy. It is also possible to process single sections, which depends on the size of the treated area and the severity of the disease.

Result of therapy: skin pores are tight, clean from fat deposits, dead cells and bacteria. Immediately after the procedure, most patients have a sensation like a mild sunburn; slight swelling or redness may occur. Discomfort disappears completely within 2 to 24 hours.

How does Acleara® work?

The Acleara® Acne Clearing System, produced by the American company Theravant®, combines the effect of modern vacuum technology with filtered broad-spectrum light.

The lightest vacuum cleanses the pores, taking out the accumulated secretion of the sebaceous glands, called sebum. With its directed heating of the sebaceous glands, the light source activates the activity of the skin through impulses filtered beam to destroy the bacteria causing acne in a natural way and reduce the production of sebum.

The improvement is visible – the skin is calm and clean, the redness is reduced, the pimples go away and disappear.

How is the procedure proceeding?

The procedure is performed on a well cleansed face. Protective goggles are provided to the patient. The nozzle is placed on the skin, simultaneously incorporating the vacuum system and the filtered light (700-1100 ηm). An individual nozzle is used for each individual patient in order to elidethe risk of contamination and infection.

The therapies have a high degree of hygiene and comfort – no anaesthetic or freezing gels are applied. After the procedure, moisturizing and photoprotective cream is applied.

The procedure is fast-it takes about 30 minutes for the whole face therapy. It is also possible to process single sections, which depends on the size of the treated area and the severity of the disease.

What should I expect after the procedure?

Result of therapy: skin pores are tight, clean from fat deposits, dead cells and bacteria. Immediately after the procedure, most patients have a sensation like a mild sunburn; slight swelling or redness may occur. Discomfort disappears completely within 2 to 24 hours.

The most frequently asked questions about anti-acne therapy

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