Laser Apparatus-Candela Gentle MAx Pro

Gentle Max Pro is an integrated platform for aesthetic adjustments, more powerful and more flexible than any other broad-spectrum device. One of a kind, it delivers the widest variety of treatments – from laser hair removal to all skin phototypes to removing pigment and vascular lesions.

Gentle Max Pro is an alexandrite laser for permanent hair removal and one of the most powerful and effective hair removal apparatus on the world market. With a wavelength of 755 ηm and millisecond pulse duration, there is the deepest penetration and absorption of melanin in this length of the light wave, even in the deepest-lying hair follicles. It is suitable for processing larger areas, as well as light to matte skin.

Gentle MAX Pro removes hair in a selective way, attacking the hairs in the anagen phase of growth (the moment when they can be effectively destroyed). The impulses of the laser are attracted by the pigment of the hair follicle – melanin. It becomes their conductor, taking the impulses to the root of the hair and destroying it by a strong heat.

The apparatus is very fast, which makes it safe and painless, because the immuno-pulses are sent instantaneously to the hair follicles.

Laser apparatus CO2re of Candela-Syneron

The laser CO2RE is a ablative laser. It emits light with a wavelength of 10 600 ηm, which is absorbed by intracellular water with minimal energy dissipation. The high-intensity beam focuses on a small area of the skin and can be cut as a scalpel and provide precise tissue destruction (destruction) of pathological changes without affecting the surrounding healthy skin.

The C2re laser is used in three operating modes:

Focus – to cut skin tumors without bleeding
desfocusing – to remove surface layers
Pulse mode – for facial skin resurfacing

By removing the damaged skin, the cells in depth build a new tissue with a smooth surface.

CO2RE is the latest generation fractional Vgledvuokisen laser from Syneron-Candela, which reduces wrinkles, pigmentation, scars and rejuvenates the skin both superficially and in depth. Further stimulates the formation of new collagen in the skin, which contributes to the prolonged effect of therapy.

The procedure is ephemeral not only with different skin defects, but also in the removal of benign skin tumors and:

  • Wrinkles
  • Pigmentation
  • Acne scars
  • Rejuvenates Skin
  • Moles

Laser Camera Palomar | Photoepilation

Photoepilation with Palomar is a combination of maximum power and efficiency, painless and safety. Ensures smooth and soft skin without unwanted hair in short terms and without risk of burning and hyperpigmentation.

The light emitted by the special lamp is filtered to exclude UV rays and the damage they cause to the skin. A luminous pulse with a specific length is absorbed by the melanin into the hair shaft and transferred to the hair follicle.

The temperature of the hair follicle rises to a point of coagulation, thus the follicle is destroyed and thus slows down or completely no material amount the growth of the hair.

The Palomar Lux Y system used is effective for removing both dark and dense and thin and light hairs, and even those that resemble moss. The Palomar Photoepilation has a high degree of comfort and efficiency, because all parameters are set individually for each client, taking into account the type of skin and the color of the hair.

The special cooling technology guarantees a procedure without pain.

The number and duration of the necessary procedures to achieve maximum effect depend on the type of hair and the processing area.

Re-sessions are necessary because hair growth takes place in a three-part cycle: active, sleeping and transitional phases. To ensure the complete removal of hair, they should be treated during the active phase. Since each hair of the body has an individual cycle of growth, the course of procedures over a certain period of time disposes of all hair follicles in an active phase of growth at the time of the procedure.

The time between the different procedures is between 4 and 8 weeks.

The procedure is contraindicated in oncological and skin diseases, as well as in infectious volution in acute stage.

Laser Camera Palomar | Treatment of stretch marks, scars, hyperpigmentation and rosacea

Laser procedures for treatment of stretch marks, scars, pigmentation and rosacea use the new generation Star Lux 500 Fractional Laser system of the American company Palomar Medical Technologies.

The procedure is extremely gentle, leaves no traces and is distinguished by a high degree of safety and painfulness.

Palomar Star Lux 500 is the only method for treating stretch marks with clinically proven results in the present moment. Its effectiveness is due to high-intensive laser microrays, which penetrate to a depth of 1 mm in the skin and thus ensure the highest possible effectiveness of the procedure. As a result, a mechanism for natural tissue regeneration and the intensive formation of new collagen fibers in the stretch area are triggered.

The fresh collagen pushes the connective tissue into the surface from which the stretch marks are formed. The effect is visible even after the first procedure, and the full course of treatment guarantees healthy and smooth skin.

The same principle of action provides proven effectiveness and to remove scars of a different nature (postoperative, from acne, burning), hyperpigmentations and rosacea.

The single procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. The necessary number of procedures for a full course of treatment of stretch marks and scars is 4-6 procedures, and in pigmentation and vascular lesions of a person-1-3 procedures.

No recovery period is required. It is necessary to use sunscreen with a maximum high factor to prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Laser treatment is contraindicated for persons with chronic or acute skin diseases, diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, hypertensive or ischemical heart disease, varicose disease, infectious diseases, acute forms of herpes, malignant Growths on the skin, Keloidna disease, pregnancy, mental illness (incl. epilepsy), weakened immune system, systemic immune diseases, allergy from sun and light.

Laser treatments are not recommended for persons who, in the last 3 weeks before the procedure, have visited tanning beds or have actively been exposed to the sun, as well as after superficial or medium peels.

The most frequently asked questions about laser procedures

See the most frequently asked questions below. For more complete information and/or for consultation use the contact form below or contact us by phone: 0882 515 788