Classic Massage

The classic massage eliminates physical and emotional stress, relieves muscle and joint tension, improves motility, normalizes blood and lymph circulation, preventing edema, and prevents muscle cramps and spasms. In the classical massage is aimed at achieving complete relaxation or toning of the organism.

The movements are from the periphery of the body to the center according to the individual characteristics, such as age, health, physical and mental state, reactivity, etc. This type of massage stimulates the immune system, optimizes blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. It is used as a prophylactic and curative agent. The end result is a complete relief from fatigue and improvement of the overall physical condition; Stimulates the immune system, optimizes blood circulation and reduces muscle tension.

Besides all this, the classical massage improves the work of the nervous system, promotes a better emotional state and relaxes the mind. It can be done on the whole body or in separate areas – back, neck and shoulders. The partial massage is directed to the most vulnerable parts of our body. Anyone subjected to the stress of everyday life senses pain and stiffness in these areas. Although with local focus, the partial massage affects the area of the largest reflex field-the spinal column, affecting both limbs and organs; Promote energy efficiency.

Therapeutic Massage

Since ancient times the massage has been used as a curative and prophylactic agent in various diseases. Today, the curative effect of massage is scientifically justified. It is intended for deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is especially effective in chronically tight or painful muscles, repetitive tension or recovery from injury.

During the massage, the therapist uses slow deep and specific techniques of friction, pressure and stretching. It is carried out by special techniques and applied to various traumatic and internal diseases, in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is used to prevent and release the accumulated tension.

Anticellulite Massage

The word cellulitis originates from the Latin word cell, which means a cell. Cellulite is a stasis in the intercellular spaces of fats, liquids and waste products from metabolism. External cellulite Detection – Multiple dimplesappear when pinched between the fingers.

Cellulite zones: thighs, hips, abdomen, inner side of the knees, ankles, inner side of the armpits, chin.

Anti-cellulite massage includes stimulation of bioenergetic zones, combined with techniques of lymphatic drainage massage to stimulate blood circulation and lymph current. In this way, the burning of fat and the spreading of the lymph detentions is supported. Oils that break down fats and improve microcirculation are used.

Magic Line – Sofia, offers the unique opportunity to combine anti-cellulite massage with the latest generation system for removal of cellulite deposits- eximia HR77, for maximum results.

Frequently asked questions about massages

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